Finally, I have *ahem* most of my stash neatly folded and put away in color order.
Geez, that took me
After looking at all this fabric, you would have thought that I have been sewing for years.
Sadly, only three.
Anyway, here are a few photos.

Isn't it pretty?
I still have about 3 totes to go through. Mostly corduroy, fleece, and chenile.
All of my short cuts of 1/2 yard or less, still are waiting for me to fold them, but for now, I am happy!
My wife used to sew alot.
When she had a project to do, she would look at the pattern, see how much fabric it took, and go to the fabric store to get it. If a project took 7/8 of a yard, then that is what she got!
Ummmmm, when I go to the fabric store, needing only a 1/2 yard of fabric, I come out with much more.
Wonder why?.....
Let's see....
First, I have to muster up enough courage to walk in by myself.
Second, I have to endure the stares of the "Cranky Quilt Ladies" who happen to be cutting fabric today.
Third, I have to search endlessly for the perfect shade of "
pink" that my Picky Princess wants.
So, to sum it all up.
Man walks in fabric store with list (I only need a half a yard of fabric)....
Ladies look at him as if to say, "Hey, the sports store is two doors down!"...
Finds the perfect "
pink" to match... along with a couple of more options in case my idea of "perfect" doesn't pan out...
Walks up to cutting counter....gets number (Lord, I forgot that important step once.... NEVER AGAIN!)....
Lays the fabric down on the counter...
Cranky Quilt Lady asks how much do you need?....
I shamelessly blurt out 3 yards of each please!
Uhmmmm...... What just happened here? I only needed 1/2 yard of each!
I feel so like Ralphie telling Santa he only wanted a football for Christmas, when what he really wanted was "An official Red Ryder carbine action two-hundred shot range model air rifle with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time" Only I can't climb back up the slide and and tell Miss Cranky what I really only needed.
So... relutantly I pay the bill.... Go home and hide the stuff so that my "only buy what you need" wife doesn't see it.
Well... now it is all out in the open... my very own mini fabric store. AHHHHH!
If I only need a half a yard, I will cut it!
I don't have to deal with the Cranky Quilters looking at me over their little half reading glasses.
This should stay like this for a little while.....
Until I hit the fabric stores again, looking for the perfect shade of "
aqua".Must remember these words.... "Only a half a yard please!"Has this ever happened to you? If it has leave me a comment, I would love to know if it is only a "guy thing"!