Yes, "Fluffy" had kittens! Happy Mother's Day Fluffy. She kept having them, and having them!
Leighanna got to witness the birth, and was excited and grossed out at the same time.
Of course I was too! When all was said and done, she had eight kittens.
I affectionately call her OctoMom. :)
Seven are all white, with a little spot here and there, and then there was this one "Oddball". You can't miss him in all the sea of white fluffiness!
All kittens are thriving at this point.
There is one little runt of the litter, and we have been helping it find its mother, so it is still thriving too.
Anyone want a kitty?
LOL! I am sure that Leighanna will have a hard time letting them go, but I said from the get go, that we will care for them until they are weaned, and then they must go!
I hope to stand firm on that decision!
Also, on my last post the winner of my blog giveaway was announced. I finished the Precious dress(es) and sent them on their way. Cathy was so pleased, and the look on her girls' faces melted my heart! What cuties!